You’re Up To Big Things!

“You started your business because of your passion, commitment and creativity. Because you've always been up to BIG things!”

Business Owners Are the Celebrities of Our Community

When working on set, we see the consistent, lively and engaging interaction that brands get with their audiences using social media. People buy tickets, products, and services as a direct result of what they experience via social media. We want to bring that red carpet energy to business owners and entrepreneurs: the true celebrities of our community. You provide necessary and valuable services, products, and jobs to the community. That makes you a superstar!!!

CREATE ENTERPRISES keeps your feed eye-catching AND your company/goods/services interesting!

We can't wait to create social media opportunities for sole proprietors, entrepreneurs, small businesses and/or large organizations:

  • Professional, helpful and downright FUN training in social media basics.

  • Effective, customized and creative content that leaves you touched moved and inspired. We’re talking content that’s usable immediately and over time.

  • Social media directives that cater to you and your brand specifically. Social plans that inspire you as well as your collaborators, employees, associates, and even customers to become brand advocates.